Facts About Hypnosis All in One Spot
Our New Interactive Hypnosis Database is Up and Running!
In honor of #FanFriday, we’re launching our new interactive database that contains fans’ questions answered by the Incredible Hypnotist, Richard Barker. We know everyone is thirsty to learn more facts about hypnosis. How do we know this? Easy, because we receive dozens of hypnosis questions from fans on a daily basis.
How the New Hypnosis Database Works
So many people think that hypnosis is all about pocket watches, hypnotic spirals and overpowering sorcery. Or, they think it’s a fictitious industry that holds no merit and everyone is faking it. Even further, many people are mystified by its power and just don’t know what to think about hypnosis.
In an effort to spread the truths about hypnosis, while dispelling the myths, the Incredible Hypnotist decided to start an interactive database. As questions about hypnosis come through from our fans, Richard will regularly update the facts about hypnosis database. And not only will he answer the frequently asked questions, he’ll also place different media sources so you can learn more about the specific question you’re researching.
For instance, let’s use the commonly asked question, “What is Trumpnosis?” as an example of how powerful a tool the new database is. Richard answers the question; shares a YouTube news interview he conducted on the subject; references a LinkedIn article discussing Trumpnosis; and provides a website that is dedicated to discussing Trumpnosis in detail. On just one page of the Incredible Hypnotist website, you can learn as much as you want to know about hypnotic techniques of President Donald Trump.
Questions Currently on the Hypnosis Database
Even though the answers to your FAQs are just now being released, we’ve been working behind the scenes to fill it with amazing content. Check out some of the questions that have already been answered by Richard:
- How Does Hypnosis Work?
- Can Hypnosis Be a Gym Motivator?
- Can Hypnosis Help Change a Habit?
- Does Hypnosis Really Work?
- Can Hypnosis Improve Memory?
- What Are Some Tips for Being Hypnotized?
- Why Do Hypnotists Snap Their Fingers?
- Is Hypnosis Dangerous?
- Do Casinos Use Hypnosis?
- Is My Subconscious Like a Computer?
- Should Hypnosis Be Used in the Courtroom?
- Does Hypnosis Really Work?
- Can Hypnosis Help with PESD?
- Is Hypnosis Haram?
- Can You Hypnotize Someone to Like You?
- And More!
Anyone Can Submit a Question
We’ve installed forms on every page of the database; making it super easy for you to get your question answered. Simply fill in your name, email address and hypnosis question. All questions get sent straight to the Incredible Hypnotist so that he can answer them accordingly. We will also continue to pull questions from all of our social media sites and answer them within the database.
If you submit an extremely fascinating and unique question, you could possibly get the next #FanFriday blog dedicated to you; like Megan. Megan is a fan who approached the Incredible Hypnotist with questions relating to her fear of holes. Her question was so out of the ordinary, we dedicated this blog to her: How to Get Rid of Trypophobia Using Hypnosis. Since Megan’s contribution was selected, she’ll be receiving a free audio hypnosis session when it’s created.
You Can Easily Share Questions Too
If you come across a great question that someone you know can benefit from, we’ve made it a cinch to share the answer with that person on your favorite social media platform. If you’re a blogger or work in the media, we invite you to pull quotes from the hypnosis answers to include in your publication. All we ask is that you link to the page you’re taking the quote from and cite Richard Barker as your source.
We just want to make learning about hypnosis as easy and as fun as possible. We think this new interactive hypnosis database will do just that. Plus, the Incredible Hypnotist enjoys answering your questions and loves interacting with hypnosis fans.
So why wait? Head on over to our Facts About Hypnosis Page and start asking questions and discovering answers. Let us know what you think as you take the hypnosis database for a test drive.