How to Be a Street Hypnotist: An Introductory Guide to Street Success
How to become a street hypnotist is a question I must get asked at least 100 times a week. You’ve made the decision to be a street hypnotist. Congratulations! Now it’s time to choose your own hours and make money blowing people’s minds with what looks like dark magic to most. I am going to walk you through the methods and tricks you can use to hypnotize anyone on the street. Some people argue that street hypnosis is a waste of time, I even used to think the same but now I disagree if you use it the right way. Street hypnosis is an excellent way to build confidence and to grow a YouTube channel as well as a following in general. If you have a local show coming up and you are selling tickets to it, then use street hypnosis to get those tickets sold. Becoming a street hypnotist also gives you unstoppable skills that you can transfer to the stage in an entertaining way. I love producing street hypnosis videos because they do get a lot of attention. During the Ultimate Street Hypnosis Summit, I have assembled some of the best street hypnotists in the world who will be teaching their street hypnosis methods and how to be a street hypnotist. You can still get a ticket here
There are some tips and tricks you’ll need for success on the street to ensure you perform street hypnosis correctly. We’ve got them for you right here. Ready to start your new life in street hypnosis? Read on!
How to Become a Street Hypnotist
There’s a bunch of ways you can get started as a street hypnotist. You can approach someone already doing it and ask them to mentor you. You can take a professional course from an incredible hypnotist to make sure you get it right from day one.
You could try learning from a book or YouTube videos but we would advise you not to. It’s better actually connecting with a trained professional, and learning trade secrets straight from the horse’s mouth. If you want to be a street hypnotist to make money though turn back right now and don’t quit your day job. You will not get rich from being a street hypnotist. I actually do not even agree with busking for tips, let the street performers do this while you focus on building confidence and getting great video. Here is a step by step walkthrough video on how a hypnotist uses hypnosis on girl in Orlando FL, and yes the video was me and my crew. What I love about this video is the built-in instructional advice Hypnotist uses hypnosis on girl in orlando FL Video
Choosing Your Location
The best spots for street hypnosis are those where the acoustics are good enough for subjects and the crowd to hear you well, and where there isn’t too much surrounding noise to drown you out or distract your hypnosis subject. Moderately busy sidewalks in a tourist hot spot are often best. The location in the video above actually sucked because there was a loud train tooting it’s horn right behind us and I didn’t realize it but we were on private property and eventually we got asked to leave by security. Also, I am now beginning to wear a microphone now so that people can hear me and it gets picked up on video. More about that later.
College campuses can be a perfect spot. Crowds there are more open to being subjects, and you’ll get a good audience since people are rarely in a rush. Make sure you have consent and you know the rules of the campus, do not just show up with cameras and creating a street scene, you may get asked to leave. I actually like the public parks and streets, busy streets are ideal and outside shopping high streets or places open to the public. Never interrupt someone on a lunch break or who is on private property. Don’t be a nuisance or inconvenience to someone
Making the Approach
Initially be open and friendly. It is a good idea to have a sign or a shirt advertising that you are offering hypnosis demonstrations so that you do not look creepy. Nobody likes a creepy guy. You can also carry a portable hypnosis spiral or something that captures their attention and eye fixation. The law of reciprocity suggests they’ll be open to you in turn if you are nice and polite and not overbearing. I see this mistake happening all the time. You introduce yourself, “Hi, my name is ..…” and then use a line like, “I’ve got a couple of questions for you guys.”
This often piques their curiosity. You can ask what they know about their subconscious mind. If you’ve still got their attention, you’re doing great!
Interest them with a bit of a challenge: would they believe that their subconscious mind is so powerful it can control their conscious mind and body? By now they’ll be a little curious, and it’s time to make your pitch, see if they’ll give hypnosis a go. Offer them an incentive and inform them how wonderful hypnosis feels and that you will not embarrass them or make them appear silly. I have even said that they will be YouTube famous which often works too.
The trick to asking them questions like in the example above is it makes them focus on you. Humans are naturally curious and we love a puzzle. It has the added benefit of setting you up as an authority.
That’ll pay big dividends once you get to the induction. A word of warning – if you can, avoid even using anything that feels a little bit of a challenge or may come across as slimy, as it can trigger a bit of fear or resistance. You might say, “would you believe me if I told you that you could control any part of your mind and body?” and ask if they want to give it a go. I like to ask them if they have ever seen hypnosis before, most of the time they say no but they are fascinated.
Watch as they jump right in, determined to now be a willing volunteer!
What Hypnosis Works Best on the Street?
You’ve made the decision to be a street hypnotist. Now comes learning the trade. When you’re out there on the street, you don’t have the luxury of 15 to 20 minutes in a quiet room to relax someone and win their trust before you hypnotize them. You do not have a fantastic stage with sound and lighting and a technical crew on hand.
What street hypnotists usually do instead is what’s called an instant induction. This is where you get someone from handshake to trance in less than two minutes.
The beauty of an instant induction is that it happens so quick you bypass the critical factor of your participant’s mind. They don’t get time to cynically or critically analyze what you’re doing or even if it is working or not. Snap, and they’re hypnotized.
Obviously, the other benefit is that it wildly impresses the crowd! They’ll think you’re some sort of rockstar since they don’t get the science behind it. Watch the video and really study the technique, this video is really cool and breaks it down. The video is above. For more in-depth lessons on how to be a street hypnotist, you should watch all the videos from the Hypnotist Stage Academy. They have excellent online training and you can access the website here
Obviously, we already mentioned the Ultimate Street Summit where 9 presenters deliver 28 seminars on how to be a street hypnotist
They’re Hypnotized; Now What?
Once you’ve got your volunteer in a trance state using your instant induction skills, there are a few directions you can take it. You could tell them their fingers are stuck together. There’s the age-old favor of making them forget a number or having a foot stuck to the floor as well, its really now up to you
You might even ask them before putting them into a trance about a goal they have, and then focus them on getting them closer to it in hypnosis, as a sort of hypnotherapy. Work on your spontaneity. Try different tricks once subjects are in the trance state.
Open with different propositions and take some creative risks. If you screw it up you’ve lost nothing – you’ll have a whole new crowd in fifteen minutes time! This keeps it fresh for you, and if you’re enjoying yourself the crowd certainly will. Remember, you can never fail so have that approach of always winning. If it does not work it is never your fault, it just meant they didn’t listen to you.
What to Do When Street Hypnosis Goes Wrong
Sometimes things just won’t work. It’s fine; it’s just part of the learning process. We all have bad days at work, in any profession.
If a volunteer is too resistant to get into the trance state, don’t sweat it. Just thank them graciously and ask for the next volunteer. Chances are the next contender will be more relaxed, assuming you can’t do this. That makes it easier for you than ever! sometimes the noises or their friends can be a distraction so think about moving to a different location.
A common problem though on the hypnotist side of things is a lack of confidence. The volunteer has to believe you are in control in order to let go and fall into a trance response. If you’re feeling unsure, they’ll smell it.
A word of warning here; you should be confident, not arrogant – it’s a thin line!
Some Tricks to Getting It Right
If you believe you can do this, you’ll be able to. Our thoughts create our realities. As a hypnotist, you know the power of the subconscious better than most!
As you get more experienced you’ll know how to read the crowd for people more likely to be compliant. These make perfect subjects for instant induction.
As you’re warming up for the induction you can test them with simple commands to see how easily they comply. For example, “I’ll get you to take a quick step to the right here.” also you can perform suggestibility tests such as arms rise and arms fall or bucket and ballon test or even the finger magnets. There are lots of things you can do in the warm-up phase and you can learn more by going to the website of the Hypnotist Stage Academy or watch our YouTube videos on street hypnosis, we have an entire playlist dedicated to them.
The real trick to street hypnosis is speed. It’ll get easier to move from invitation and acceptance to trance state and applause with experience. The quicker you can get this timing down, the longer the crowd will stick around to watch.
Ideally, you want to grab their attention early to stop them from getting bored and wandering off.
I Command You to Go Get Hypnotizing!
You’re ready now to get out there having fun and wowing crowds. All while getting some great exposure and content as a street hypnotist. You have learned how to Be a Street Hypnotist so t’s time to make the jump.
Why not give yourself the best chance of success by studying how the experts do it, by learning from respected professionals? That way, you avoid amateurs and trial and error while starting out. Check out our website for course dates, and reserve your training place today!
Don’t forget the Ultimate Street Summit is a great place to learn how to be a street hypnotist, contact me with any other questions