Learn How to Overcome a Fear of Butterflies with Hypnosis.
Hypnotist Shows, “The Doctors” How Hypnosis Helps Lepidopterophobia
There are NO trigger images or Lepidopterophobia tests in this article!!!
Ready to learn how to overcome a fear of butterflies using hypnosis? Watch celebrity hypnotist Richard Barker help a photographer get rid of his Lepidopterophobia on the Emmy® Award-winning daytime talk show, “The Doctors.”
In this article you’ll get answers to the top 5 questions asked by people who are afraid of butterflies. You can also watch a hypnosis demonstration for Lepidopterophobia on award-winning television show, The Doctors.
- What is Lepidopterophobia?
- What causes a fear of butterflies?
- What are some symptoms of Lepidopterophobia
- How common is Lepidopterophobia?
- Can hypnosis get rid of a butterfly phobia?
What is it called when you have a fear of butterflies?
The official name for being afraid of butterflies is Lepidopterophobia. This butterfly phobia was recently featured on daytime talk show, “The Doctors.” Hypnotist Richard Barker was invited to help Tom, a wedding photographer with an extreme butterfly phobia, get over his fears.
“I personally am terrified of butterflies. If I see a butterfly I get tense; my heart starts to run; sometimes I get clammy. I’m getting clammy right now just talking about it. I know that they’re not going to bite me because they don’t do that. It’s an irrational core feeling. I really can’t explain it; it’s something about the wings and the way it moves.” Tom
The televised hypnosis demonstration was extremely successful. After undergoing hypnosis, Tom was able to pass The Doctors final test by entering a butterfly enclosure setup backstage. Watch portions of a Lepidopterophobia hypnosis session in the video below and see how hypnosis gets rid of someone’s fear of butterflies.
Why are some people afraid of butterflies?
The root cause of someone developing a fear of butterflies varies from person to person. Just like with other phobias, Lepidopterophobia could have formed during childhood, adolescence or early adulthood.Here are some potential explanations of why some people are afraid of butterflies:
Negative Event or Memory Associated with Butterflies.
Having a negative experience can tie a particular event to your subconscious. During his hypnotic regression, Tom discovered that he associated his experience of getting stung by a bee with butterflies; developing a debilitating fear of butterflies.
Fearful of the Butterflies Fluttering, Flying and Swarming Tendencies.
Something about the way the butterfly wings unpredictably move; the uncomfortable sensation of wings brushing against one’s skin; or, the dread of being swarmed by a Kaleidoscope (group of butterflies) can trigger a fear of butterflies.
Mother Always Said, “Butterfly Dust Will Blind You.”
Some children were told by their mothers not to touch the wings of butterflies because the dust on them could cause blindness. There is no research that indicates the modified hairs on a butterfly’s wings, aka scales, causes blindness. This is just an old wives’ tale that can develop into a terrifying fear of the winged insects.
Reaction and Repulsion to Butterfly Wing Patterns.
Mimicry is when an animal mimics the pattern of a dangerous or poisonous animal in order to fool predators. Some butterflies will mimic the bright colors found on a Monarch butterfly or will form eye-like patterns on their wings to deceive predators. A person inflicted with butterfly phobia may innately associate the bright color patterns on a butterfly’s wings as poisonous or finds the eye-like patterns and formations creepy.
Creepiness Around the Taste Buds on Butterfly Legs
Some have discovered a butterfly phobia after learning that butterflies have taste buds located in their feet. The thought of a butterfly landing on their skin to have a “taste” may create the phobic response to the winged creature.
What are symptoms associated with a butterfly phobia?
If someone suffering from Lepidopterophobia comes in contact with a butterfly or sees a butterfly, they may have one or more of the following symptoms:
- Extreme Anxiety and General Feeling of Dread
- Skin Crawling and Sudden Itchiness
- Shivering, Shaking and/or Sweating
- Panic Attack, Heart Palpitations and/or Racing Heart
- Instant Nausea and/or Upset Stomach
- Migraines and/or Painful Headaches
- Itchy Goosebumps on the Skin
- Tearing Up and/or Uncontrollably Crying
- Dry Mouth or Lump in Throat
- Inability to Speak or Move
- Immediate Flight Reaction
Who is afraid of butterflies?
There isn’t much data on the internet if you’re searching for how common Lepidopterophobia is. However, we’ve learned in our intense research that the term “fear of butterflies” is a growing topic in Google. In Google Trends, you can see who is looking for information on this phobia according to their geographic location. Here are the most popular countries where people are searching for answers to their butterfly phobias:
- Australia
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Indonesia
- Canada
Celebrities Afraid of Butterflies
Aussie actress Nicole Kidman has shared with the world her terrifying fear of butterflies. The megastar admits that the fear rooted itself as a child.
“Sometimes when I would come home from school the biggest butterfly or moth you’d ever seen would be just sitting on our front gate. I would climb over the fence, crawl around to the side of the house – anything to avoid having to go through the front gate. I have tried to get over it (the phobia) I walked into the big butterfly cage at the American Museum of Natural History and had the butterflies on me, but that didn’t work. I jump out of planes, I could be covered in cockroaches, I do all sorts of things, but I just don’t like the feel of butterflies’ bodies.” Nicole Kidman
Despite accepting a diamond butterfly necklace from her boyfriend Travis Scott, Kylie Jenner suffers from Lepidopterophobia. In her E! reality show, “Life of Kylie,” the youngest Kardashian sister admits that she has an intense fear of butterflies.
“I’m terrified — terrified — of butterflies. All butterflies. This is how I think of them: Cut the wings off, and if you just look at their bodies, they’re not that pretty. It’s literally a bug.” Kylie Jenner
Can hypnosis help you overcome a fear of butterflies?
Hypnosis can be a quick and effective butterfly phobia treatment. A professional and experienced hypnotist can reprogram your subconscious mind as it relates to your phobia triggers. Simply put, here are the general steps to overcome your fear of butterflies using hypnosis:
- The hypnotist will put you into a state of complete relaxation. At this time, he or she will converse with your subconscious mind to locate the root of your butterfly fear.
- The hypnotist will then change your negative association with butterflies with a positive and calming replacement.
- Your subconscious will accept these new positive associations as truths. Next time you come across a butterfly, you will feel calm and comfortable.
Want to discover what hypnosis is during a free hypnosis session? Find a complimentary hypnosis audio file here on SoundCloud.
Hypnotist Richard Barker appears on hit show, “The Doctors.”
If you enjoyed watching celebrity hypnotist Richard Barker and want to see more hypnosis demonstrations, check out our playlist Hypnosis in the News.
The Incredible Hypnotist can also be seen on: The Today Show, The Late Late Show with James Corden, ET Entertainment Tonight, Reader’s Digest, Huffington Post, Glamour Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Marie Claire, US Weekly, Google Talks, Health Magazine, SELF Magazine, Men’s Fitness, InStyle Magazine, YouTube Creator Summit, CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, as well as many major news shows and publications across the globe.
The Doctors have a Q & A segment with celebrity hypnotist, Richard Barker.
How was this butterfly phobia hypnosis session challenging?
“Information gets revealed as you’re in the session. Initially, I didn’t know the root cause of the issue that was creating the abnormal reaction to the butterflies. The bee sting on the finger came out -not any issue surrounding butterflies during the session- so it was an association issue. The anxiety of the butterflies and the bees were sort of combined. During a hypnotic session I am regressing them back to the point of the first memory of the issue and then addressing that particular scene.”
How long can this hypnosis treatment last?
“The sort of methodology behind hypnosis is that the subconscious mind accepts the truth and the truth only. The subconscious mind cannot lie to itself, whereas the critical mind can. So once I make that significant change in the programming of that mind to react a certain way, it’s permanent.”
Who is a candidate?
“Somebody that really has a burning issue that they’re wanting to resolve would make a good candidate.”
What are some hypnosis techniques people can try at home?
“One of the techniques we use in hypnosis is visualization. Focus on a fixed point and when you focus on that fixed point, regulate and concentrate on your breathing. Take deep breaths in, close your eyes and relax. Take any anxieties, worries or troubles you have and just breathe them out. As you breathe in, you breathe in the anxiety and as you breathe out, you push the aches, pains and troubles away. And just give yourself positive reinforcement and positive affirmations; which is nothing more than self-hypnosis.
Learn how clinical hypnosis can change your life from the comfort of your own home.