Discussing Hypnosis Show Music
Show Music is so important during a Hypnosis Show. The pre-show music and the songs and sound effects I utilize during the show create the energy and feel of the hypnosis show production. I love using music during my show. As a professional Comedy Stage Hypnotist that has performed in nearly 40 countries, I have tested and tried many systems over the years and have finally come up with the very best solution.
I use my smartphone as a music remote controller for my shows to control my music because:
1. I dislike the small remote devices like IJET with no screen on them so I cannot see what track is coming next and it gets lost in my pocket.
2. I don’t want an IPAD or Laptop on stage that I have to keep accessing for show cues.
3. I want my music with me 24/7 especially when I travel so I can pull out my phone at a moments notice and I know all my tunes are always available.
4. It is not practical to bring a sound guy to over 500 shows a year- some shows I cannot bring a sound guy or it isn’t viable to bring an assistant, I just have to plug into a supplied sound system and run my show myself. Bringing a sound guy costs more and is a luxury item in my world.
5. I want to see my track list just by glancing at my phone on my belt so that I can see what is next easily and access it quickly.
6. My phone is touch screen and easy to operate; I have it in airplane mode and bright so I can see during the day.
7. My show is never the same and tracks are not always in the right order so my app makes it easy to quickly miss a track and get to the one I want. I can see the title and artist quickly and play instant music from my belt.
8. It really is Professional to access your music on the fly with no set up, and quickly.
I have used many devices from transmitter to receivers on RF frequency; Lavalier wireless microphone set ups or wireless guitar configurations. I need something that works through walls and in the middle of the ocean. I need my music system to work even if I have no cell service or signals. I cannot run a cable into a sound board that is 500 feet away and upstairs like on ships or some fairgrounds. I cannot educate or trust the tech to know my cues. I cannot run a cord to a input box on stage when one is not available or I don’t have the right cords. It is impractical if I am sharing a stage with a band
This has got very sophisticated and now I have found the ideal solution for me and entertainers in general which consists of either creating a mobile WiFi hotspot (Faster than any I have seen or been on where other people can also access my WiFi for free without slowing me down at all) or using my Hi-Def digital portable Bluetooth router with awesome range- I GET GREEDY AND USE BOTH for guaranteed results, Here is how it works:
I use one track APP on my phone for creating a show music playlist or multiple show lists. I then have my phone on my belt in landscape position. I flip the screen upside down so at a quick discreet glance down I can see my entire show tunes list. I lock the screen so it will not rotate or lock me out and I increase the brightness and ensure I am in airplane mode.
I wirelessly sent the hypnosis show music without any lag directly to my WiFi mobile hotspot connection from my phone which I create before the show. I bring the tiny device with me (You save $10 with this link: https://yourkarma.com/invite/richar3674). This device has no monthly fees and works super fast and you never run out of data. I will mention it has worked all over the USA where even my cellphone didn’t work. I used it recently in Vegas and got unlimited WiFi in my trade show booth and hotel room and canceled paying the resort fee of $15 a night which you only pay to get room WiFi, it does work everywhere and you can connect up to 8 devices without slowing down!! In hotels they will only let you connect 1 or 2 devices at best and you get a slow speed. I live on WiFi and cannot live without it when I am on the road.
For the WiFi option anything connected to my WiFi network (Which is most soundboards just by configuring an iPad connected straight into a channel) can receive the music I play. Most newer soundboards similar to most new printers are now WiFi enabled and it is easy to transmit your music direct to the sound system. Just simply plug in the KARMA router and you are good to go.
My other awesome solution is my brand new Bluetooth router with superior signal strength and awesome sound quality. No lag and no delay and works in the same way. I just use the Bluetooth feature of my phone to pair to the BLUETOOTH router that I plug in somewhere close to the sound system. The router connects directly to a channel on the soundboard with supplied cable. This works very well in the middle of the Ocean or when you literally are out in the middle of nowhere. It is lightening fast and this brand new device is top of the line and very affordable. When I’m not at a show, I use it to send music to my home stereo device (no wires) and I can send music anywhere in the house that I have a speaker. I use my WiFi as my internet now and got rid of my satellite internet which sucked. I don’t have a broadband option in my area of the country.
If you get both units you are fully covered at any event you play and you will always have internet access too (so will your audience which is great for Facebook Marketing during your show) show music is vital and give back to your audience by letting them have free internet.
By bringing both boxes with me; they pack super small- I am always covered. Now I don’t need cables or other tricky remotes; no need for an input box or sound guy and no head scratching trying to get my music to connect up.
I hope you find this useful; it’s taken me a couple of years to find the perfect solution. From June 10th to December 5th I was only home 10 days so it was vital I had WiFi anywhere I went that was reliable as well as the ability to stream music at over 500 shows. All I can say is I went from the very best sound systems to the very worst but my music always got delivered to it without any cords. Use what ever works for you but these two devices are totally awesome and have made my life super easy. Both links will give you $10 bucks off each item and I believe they are both on sale at the moment.
Good luck