Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep?
Many people across the world suffer from insomnia in different degrees of severity. Those suffering the milder cases have the benefit of choosing to take medication to combat its effects. Those unfortunate enough to have severe cases though don’t have such luxury.
They tend to have a negative reaction to conventional remedies or the remedies don’t have an effect on them at all. Their expenses rise with a long list of therapeutic remedies and stronger meds.
Now, however, they can turn to hypnosis for sleep.
The only reason why most people avoid hypnosis is it’s vague, leading a lot of people to believe it’s hokum and such. However, recent studies show that hypnosis isn’t as bad people say it is. Why not read about it below and educate yourself with another alternative to conventional insomnia treatment.
What Is Sleep Hypnosis About?
Sleep hypnosis is a technique where registered professionals expose their patients to certain stimuli during their sessions. These stimuli are what hypnotherapists call cues and they’re designed to induce a heavy trance on their subjects.
During this trance, their subjects become suggestible and are more relaxed than they could be if they were conscious. Because of this state of extreme relaxation, their minds are more open to instructions and what not. Hypnotherapists use this state to guide patients through a step by step program.
The program they have depends on the needs of the patients. They determine what they need through an interview beforehand. Some hypnotherapists also ask for a psychological profile of their patient to understand what they need better.
How Does Sleep Hypnosis Work?
The basic way hypnosis for sleep and relaxation works is by repeating a certain cue that’s best suited for the patient. They do this while you’re in the deep trance mentioned above. While in that trance, the therapist will guide you through a series of mental scenarios for you.
The purpose of these scenarios is to prompt visual imagery while you’re entranced. They often describe how the scenes are to you, which then your mind interprets in its own ways. They use different scenes to make you feel even more comfortable during this trance.
Describing it to you makes it feel as though you’re in total control of what you see. This helps them tap into your inner psyche to make suggestions easier. They then use phrases or words like “relax” or “sleep” as often as they can during this trance.
By saying these the mind begins to relax in your entranced state. This then leads to a sensation as if you’re in a deep sleep during the trance. After waking up, patients often feel refreshed.
Not only that, but the treatment also has another effect on patients. By using the cues as often as they can, they become embedded in the mind of patients. Every time they hear the cue words, they start to feel relaxed despite what may cause them stress.
If you feel as though entering a trance while someone’s watching is uncomfortable, then worry not. Sessions like these tend to have a recording of what’s happening.
Benefits of Using Sleep Hypnosis
Sleep hypnosis isn’t only for helping people with sleep problems. There are other psychological problems this can help with as well. Here are a few of such problems this type of therapy can help you with.
1. Sleep Hypnosis for Depression
As you can tell from what’s written above, sleep hypnosis has a lot to do with a person’s mental state. Being the way it is, it’s not impossible to use sleep hypnosis to help patients who struggle with anxiety and depression.
Most depressed people have a hard time explaining themselves to others. This is because they often feel they’re bothering people with their problems. It’s also their thought that opening up inconveniences people.
This tends to make them closed even when they’re encouraged to open up. The way sleep hypnosis taps into the subconscious of an individual help whit this. The relaxing sensation of getting induced into a trance makes it easier for people to talk to them.
This helps them loosen up and let down their guards. They will then be able to talk about certain things they’re unwilling to when conscious.
Sleep hypnosis also relaxes the mind, allowing it to recollect itself and heal. This takes the mind away from the stress and anxiety it feels. This is important because it gives the mind a break, which is an important part of self-help.
2. It Helps You Control Your Impulses
It’s a given that hypnosis has interesting effects on the brain. One of these effects is that it stops people from having certain impulses.
Often, when people talk of impulse, they’re talking about those with OCD and the like. Sleep hypnosis helps people overcome this through the power of suggestion. While the mind is at its most relaxed, it becomes easier to mold.
This allows people to remove any unwanted impulses that they deem to be a bother. Things like impulsive eating, a need to keep things straight, and other uncontrollable urges become more manageable and can even disappear over time.
It also helps with any impulses unknown to the patient. Things like sleepwalking can also become corrected with sleep hypnosis.
3. You Can Perform Self Hypnosis
A great thing about sleep hypnosis is you can perform it on your own. If you’re a practiced hypnotist, self hypnosis for sleep shouldn’t be a problem. If you’re not though, you’ll find it’s easy to pick up from your therapist.
For the most part, they’ll be happy to teach you how to self-hypnotize. This encourages both self-betterment and a drive to take initiative, after all. A few key aspects of overcoming mental problems like insomnia and the like.
That said, always consult a professional first! It’s always best to start with an expert who can perform hypnosis with you, guiding you as you learn how to do it on your own.
Learn Everything You Need to Know About Hypnosis for Sleep Today
Hypnosis is no longer only a parlor trick for magic shows. It’s also a valid way to help yourself get a good’ night’s rest. Don’t let insomnia get the best of you and try hypnosis for sleep today!
Looking for a good hypnotherapist? Contact us here to get in touch with one of the best hypnotists, Richard Barker!