The millions who saw the actors in “Get Out” were witness to a frightening side of hypnosis. The film’s version of present and past intermingling in our subconscious is thrilling.
It may be entertainment on the dark side, but we all could relate. The character whose smoking habit converges on his behavior of inaction rings true. And, the fictional account holds some critical truth.
We notice the hypnosis focuses on the person. True. There doesn’t seem to be a clear beginning to the session. Also true. The actor was a willing subject (at least at first). True again.
So, for some, this may dispel a myth. That subjects somehow “succumb” to a trance and then become a puppet to the clinician is not true.
Those who want to know how to become a hypnotist, you can learn for fun or for professional practice.
Either motivation will work, and there’s plenty of training from which to choose. Here are some steps to consider when learning the craft.
For the Fun of It
An important part of learning hypnosis is keeping true to the idea of fun. If performing for a group is part of your future, everyone should enjoy it.
The participants and the audience want to enjoy it. And, so should you! If you like being around different types of people, this will shine through.
If not, you’ll not enjoy it and neither will anyone else. Hypnosis in its truest form is about helping people. This should be a prime motivation for anyone entering the field.
How the Mind Works
The power of suggestion is nothing new. As you sat through “Get Out” in the theater, you saw the sights and sounds (and the smell) of fresh popcorn and cold drinks.
And, you saw the reaction of the crowd as they headed for the snack bar. A thirty-second commercial works, with patrons shelling out big bucks for the snacks.
This is the basis of hypnosis, too. It is our brain that tells our body what to do. When it’s time to eat, we get food.
The sight of fresh popcorn is appealing. Whether we are hungry or not, munching the buttery treat is now part of our conscious. And, our brain tells us to get it.
Serious Help for Serious Problems
Our mind tells us when to eat, but it can also tell us to engage in harmful behaviors. When learning hypnosis, we realize that our brain is capable of some pretty amazing feats.
For example, when you smell fresh-cut grass, you may have memories of summer as a kid. Or, a baseball game. Our hard-drive minds have infinite storage.
For those who smoke cigarettes, there are webs of memories intersecting behavior. After a meal, first thing in the morning, or a long commute tell us to light up.
We’re not aware our subconscious is in control. When we learn what’s in power, we can then learn how to interrupt the conversation of which we are unaware.
Hypnosis and Medical Procedures
For those who want to train for one-on-one sessions, there will be many clients looking for help. Everything from chronic pain to panic at the dentist’s office can keep clients from a full life.
Again, this where our mind can work against us. Experts know that chronic pain starts with signals from our brain. If we cut our finger, we feel the pain.
When pain occurs every day for some, the signs of distress can be out of control. They may often happen for no reason.
Learning to access a subject’s subconscious helps them regain control. They learn what’s real and what’s imagination. Those who want to learn hypnosis find great satisfaction in reversing a painful life.
How to Become a Hypnotist for Performance
If you believe hypnosis and psychotherapy are separate, you are right and wrong. Psychotherapy is a historical approach for behavior modification.
And, these clinicians often use hypnosis. Because our subconscious guides behavior, accessing the slate is vital to make changes. Also, we sometimes assign our actions to align with false information.
If an athlete believes their performance will never meet expectations, it won’t. In effect, we are only as good as our mind thinks we are. As a hypnotist for athletes, it is vital to understand what their subconscious is saying.
And, to realize that we all look to every word it says. We hear more from ourselves than we hear from others.
Learning to be a hypnotist is helping people break the false information conversation. Then, anyone can perform at their peak.
What is Self-Hypnosis?
Is there such a thing as self-hypnosis? If we can get results on our own, why would we need a professional? The truth is, we all can reach a hypnotic state on our own.
For example, when you pull up to your house at the end of the day, you may not recall any part of the commute. Of course, you were sober!
We may think of it as being on auto-pilot as our conscious mind is at rest. Don’t worry; you are not out of control. This illustrates that hypnosis does not make us do anything we do not usually do.
We are all capable of a hypnotic state. But, it takes training for a hypnotist to help others using this state for a positive change. We can’t do it alone.
Nothing Works Better Than Practice
A training program whether it’s for physicians or hypnotists offers clinical practice. The great news for those looking for how to become a hypnotist is that hands-on is a rule.
Those who want to perfect a performance-type program should first work on the street.
And, there will be scores of willing subjects. The more we learn what works best, the better we all become. Start here with our menu of options.